💙Jr.英検お疲れ様でした♪ 日頃の成果を可視化して現在地を確かめ、必要な学びを見極めて次のステップに進みましょうね☺
🌼Jr.英検ゴールド 年長児1名(正解率96%)小学校3年生レベルの知識とそれ以上のスピーキング能力があります!
🌼Jr.英検シルバー 年長児1名(正解率100%、87%)ブロンズレベルを受験した同じ子たちが、次のレベルでも優秀な成績を納めました!
🌼Jr.英検ブロンズ 年長児2名(正解率100%、86%)英語ゼロベースの園児も86%の成績を収め、目を見張る成長!
🌼Jr.英検シルバー 年長児1名(正解率96%)毎日コツコツと努力していた姿にグッとくる!そしてこの成果!本当に誇りに思います。
It is an educational approach that aims to foster individuals who can effectively communicate and interact with a wider range of people by incorporating a global perspective, mindset, and viewpoint (global standards) into their daily lives and curriculum, all conducted in English.
We define "International Education Facility" as a facility that establishes a learning environment that embraces multiculturalism, multilingualism, and diversity, and enhances the qualities and abilities of children to thrive in a borderless society (an era without borders). Our goal is to cultivate individuals who can contribute to the international community while valuing their own culture and identity, thereby creating global leaders. As RaJA allows children to begin their journey from 0 years old, we refer to it as a "Children's International Education Facility."
As one of 21 selected female business leaders in Japan, our CEO, Salliee Fukushima published a book available at any bookstore nationwide.
日本の選ばれし女性経営者21名として、商業出版を果たした 弊社CEO 福島さりいの著書は、全国の書店でお求めいただけます。